Ten Ways to Find Time for Yourself

Being a Mom is demanding. (I know I’m stating the obvious here.)

But then you throw in the last two years of pandemic life and what you get are Moms who are NEVER GETTING A BREAK!

And don’t get me wrong, I do see that these last two and a half years have given me the blessing of spending more time with my family that likely would not have been given to me any other way, but I still need my space, my time, my rest to be the best Mom, Wife and Woman.


And I know you do too Mom.


So here you go, ten ways to find time for yourself. Because you truly do deserve it.



1. Find that time by waking up a little earlier or staying awake a little later.

Something as little as having the time to have a cup of coffee in the quiet at the start of the day or a little reading while everyone is sleeping at the end might be just the ticket to feel like you have recharged.  Find what time in the day works the best for you and your family. 


2. Pick a room in your home that will be deemed your sanctuary.

This space will be known to your family as “Mom’s space” when you are in it.  NO ONE gets to enter when you are there. 


3. Alternate time off with your partner.

If this is a possibility in your household then give it a try.  Work this out with your partner of when each of you can take a break.  


4. Use any outdoor space that you have access to.

Use that outdoor space to take a break from your kids.  Either have them play out there or you use that space for yourself.


5. Have quiet time.

Designate a time in the day for quiet time for the entire house.  Help the children learn how long quiet time will be by using a timer.


6. Screen time.

I know the downsides of screen time.  I understand that we are trying to limit the amount of screen time for our kids.  But sometimes us Moms just need to get through the next hour, the next few minutes, the next few seconds.  So, give yourself a little break, both literally and figuratively, by giving your children a little extra time on the screen.  I promise you that it won’t damage them.


7. At home dates.

Sometimes what you want is some alone time with another adult, your love, or whoever.  There are some great and innovative options out there that you don’t have to leave the house for (especially when you can’t).  My husband and I have tried at home, zoom cooking lessons and sake tastings.  I have seen online wine tasting, online Broadway shows and more.  Yes, we have had to set our children up on DVDs, but it almost felt like a little night out on the town!


8. Ask a loved one to Facetime with your child.

We started the pandemic with having my mother-in-law read to my son over zoom.  This, in time, morphed to “cooking with Nana” which my son loves!  The best part, on top of giving me some extra time, is seeing my son and my mother-in-law bond.


9. Plan a solo getaway.

Now this is up to your comfort level.  

“I did my first mom solo vacation before the pandemic started.  I had traveled by myself before, but this trip was different.  I felt like I was abandoning my family.  Especially my kids.  And I felt so guilty.  But I needed a little time for myself.  A little space.  I almost turned around.  Almost went home.  But I forced myself to stay.  And as the hours passed, I got lost in just being.  And in slowing down.  And in taking care of me.  My needs.  My wants.  It was what I needed.  And suddenly I felt strong again.  Which was perfect timing because it was time to go home!”-taken from Instagram, excerpt by Rose


10. Reconnect with an activity you love or learn a new one.

Even if it is just for a few minutes here or there, that time spent on something you enjoy gives you a moment to slow down, breathe, meditate, and to feel happiness.  A friend of mine recently took up bullet journaling.  She tells me that it is not only a way to foster her creativity but it encourages mindfulness.  Check out her work at ttcreativeoutlet on Instagram.




Mom, it truly doesn’t matter how you find or get time for yourself, just that you get that time.  We need to recharge in order to be at our best.  Like on a plane, you have to put that oxygen mask on you first.  

Enjoy that time off.  Let me know what you decided to do.  I would love to pass on your idea to another mom!

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