Are you frustrated with not knowing what to do about your hand, wrist, arm and/or shoulder injury?!
Do you wish there was a much easier way to know exactly what to do?!
We at First The Moms want to not only provide those answers for you, but also provide you with answers that are effective!
Our injury kits break down what you should be doing and when so you can reach your goal of less pain and discomfort!
Carpal Tunnel Kit
Numbness/tingling in your thumb, index, middle finger? Weakeness in your hand?
DeQuervain’s Relief Guide
Pain at your wrist where it meets the thumb anytime you are using your hand? Maybe even at rest?
Cubital Tunnel Kit
Numbness/tingling in your ring and small finger? Maybe up your forearm too? Weakness?
Lateral Epicondylitis Kit
Pain in your elbow/forearm with gripping?
Trigger Finger Kit
Are your fingers/finger “catching” with trying to grip? Tenderness in your hand?
Shoulder Pain Relief Guide
Pain in your shoulder with arm movement/use?